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Questions & Answers about Home Gym

Question #31: weider home gym equiptment, where to find them?
i am looking for any shops in Singapore selling Canadian made Weider home gym equiptments. has anyone seen any of those around??

Answer: Sears.
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Question #32: Beny V-Fit Supa Trainer Home Gym (90kg) - any problems?
Hi all you home multigym experts. Could you offer some advice please?I need a home multigym and this one takes my eye. I don't want it compared to other gyms but would just like to know if anyone has had any particular problems with it (did you stop using it because it wasn't that good/the tubing/cables weren't up to the job etc etc) or other V-Fit home gyms.this is the website I've found it at: y_V_Fit_Supa_Trainer_Home_Gym.htmlthanks

Answer: off topic answer for you. you asked about coloured liquid in carboys in a previous question.I have found a web page with full receipes for all of the carboys liquids and colours. i couldn't answer on the question because it had been closed. eum/exhibitions/exhibition04/musex04colcarb.htmlth is should take you straight to the receipe page.Good luck
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Question #33: I am looking for a good home gym system (a multi-exercise model) for strength training.?
I already have a decent treadmill for cardio. Any good recommendation for the home gym?

Answer: i like free weights best
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Question #34: What type of home gym should I buy?
I’m hoping you can help resolve a disagreement I’ve been having with some people at the gym. Because of work pressures I plan to cancel my gym membership and buy a bodyweight type home gym like the Total Gym ( or Bodyrail ( The guys at the gym think I’m mad for doing this because they claim these bodyweight type gyms are gimmicks. They think that anything other than iron plates is a gimmick. Why can’t you use your own bodyweight instead of lumps of iron? Will your body know the difference? It’s ok for people to use pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, leg lifts etc, which all use your bodyweight as resistance, and yet when a product comes along that lets you use the same type of resistance for bicep curls, tricep extensions, shoulder presses, etc it’s considered a gimmick. Without spending a fortune, I’d like to buy an exercise machine that has the safety of a machine but with the benefits of free weights.

Answer: I was going to say the total gym. It is popular and tends to work but I like my Billy Blanks Boot Camp workout. They are more effective than any exercises I know.
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Question #35: Powertec Leverage home gym ?
I'm thinking of buying a Powertec Leverage home gym and was wondering. I like free weights, but work out alone.

Answer: Free weights aren;t the best when working alone, and a powertec is as good as any other out there for the money
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Question #36: Choosing a home gym?
What would be the best way to burn calories? A combination of an excercise bike and home gym? Or a treadmill? Or do you have another suggestion?

Answer: this one is a good one just walk alot drink alot of water, run,rid bicks
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Question #37: I need a workout routine for home gym system, have no idea!?
I'm a woman who has never worked out since high school and have a home gym (my husbands, and he's never home to show me how to use it either.) I would like to get toned all over, but don't know the excersises or reps or weight I need to use. Anybody use a routine that works or is there a website I can go to?

Answer: This is generally a good place to start: etting_started.asp?part=1The ideas you will find there can be adapted to what you are looking for.Another good program is found here: =1
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Question #38: Would the Bowflex revolution home gym work to make some muscle or it will just work to maintain the body?
I am not sure if I shall buy a Bwflex home gym, and would like some feedback from bowflex users before I buy. Here is another question, If i decide to buy it, does it include several workouts?or is it one same workout every day??, I mean in a gym they will change your routine workout every month or so....

Answer: Personally I think the bowflex is overrated. What I got was a Weider Crossbar which is VERY simular to the bowflex for only 250. I did have to make my own workout plans but it paid off (Bigger muscles) I am dead sexy now ;-)
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Question #39: any recommendations for a home gym fully compatible with the max-ot training program?
anyone familiar with the max-ot training program able to reccommend a home gym system that can perform most if not every excercise in the max-ot program.would it be better to have something like this: ree weight benchOR jsp?productId=2447127&cp=694004&origkw=bod y+solid&kw=body+solid&parentPage=search&am p;searchId=17366734121a home gym systemORis another system idealplease provide specific makes/modelsany input appreciated thanks!

Answer: I think you need to honestly ask yourself what you are going to use. For the amount of money involved, it might be better to have free-weights at home and go to a gym for the full system.
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Question #40: Im thinking of buying a Multi-Station home gym, do you recommend it?
I was thinking of buying one of these multi-station home gyms. I dont have the time to go down to my local gym, and I thought this might be the best solution. But some friends say its not a good idea, some saying its better to be at the gym itself because youll have friends helping you and encouraging you, and others say that this device is a waste of money and its not as effective. What do you recommend? Any Ideas? I really need to do something about my work out but I have no time! Please help!

Answer: personally i dont think its a good idea. i got one of those and i simply didnt use it becuase its booring working out alone. in the gym i get more motivated by the trainers there and i can use 20 machines instead of one.
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