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Question: bodybuilding?

Question Description:
How many sets should you do per bodypart. How many for back, chest, biceps, triceps, forearms, calves, legs and traps ?

Answer#1: you should be able to do at least 12 reppitions of each exerciseand enough weight that the 12th is verry strenuous. also I dont so any more than one set of each exercise: it doesint make any difference (I think) plus youll be there for twice as long, altho probublly doing two sets of each exercise one day a week would be bennificial.(and dont even consider steroids, their suicide medications)but you can take creatine that is relly good and I use it! Hope this helped. :-)

Answer#2: It would have helped to know if you think you are under or overweight. overweight would maybe include more reps. while underweight and high reps would set you back even more. try search for pyramid sets.

Answer#3: the key isn't so much to do a certain number of reps or sets. the best way for me to explain this is with an example:let's say you're doing dumbbell flys. use a weight that's comfortable to lift, and do as many reps as you can before your arms start to go out. rest, then do a second set. keep going until you can't lift any more (i mean this literally... after your last rep, there's no way you can lift the weight any more than you already have). this is a point called "failure". work your muscles until they're fatigued, then give them 2 or 3 days of rest to recover, and do it again. the next time, try using 5 pounds less and doing more reps. the next time, use 5 pounds more and do as many reps as you can. the key is changing it up so your muscles don't adapt to a routine. if this happens, you're likely to plateau and your progress will all but stop.

Answer#4: u should do 3 sets of 10 each at 80% weight..... u should try using lighter weights and doing more works

Answer#5: It all depends on what your going for. If its to tone up then I would do 2 sets of 15 reps with a lighter weight on each body part and make sure your going to failure on the last set.And break up your workouts into body parts.Work on Legs and arms,chest and back with two or three exercises per body part,for example for my chest I do a standard bench press and then incline presses with dumb bells to hit the different muscle groups and then declined presses to hit the lower pecs.If your going for mass then I would lift the most amount of weight you can for two sets /4 to 5 reps max and go to complete failure on both sets with 1 minuet in between sets. Also check out the website listed below it will give you the proper way to push the weight the most effectively

Answer#6: work your body as a whole. Try squats, leg press, bench press, shoulder press, rows, chin ups, and deadlifts. Do 3 sets for each excercise (2 warm up, 1 heavy) Don't worry to much about forearmas and traps, they will grow with the heavy compound excercises listed above.

Answer#7: i usually do it until a few blood vessels burst. it's a fairly simple clean-up and gets you one hell of a good workout.

Answer#8: i do 3 sets of at least 12 reps each for every body part. good luck and cheers!

Answer#9: steroids

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