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Home » Q & A » Muscle Builder

Question: What's good drug that build muscle with no side effects?

Question Description:
my friend wants to bulid muscle but he lives in anothe country where they don't really have a good gyms,so he wants me to buy him some drugs or any muscle builder that doesn't have side effects

Answer#1: If you want to gain weight or build bulk and muscle fast that lasts then get “muscle formula protein powder”, this stuff is awesome. Not only will you increase in size, its all natural products so there are no side effects and your weight will go up too. I have been using this for two years, I have put on 65 pounds (over 40 in the 1st year) I am now just under 200 and feeling great. Whether you work out or not this stuff will work for you. Its only available by mail order, I get mine from, go into the sports section and you can find it in there. They have some awesome energy drinks aswell. If you aren’t sure there is a link to email the nutrition coach and he will advise you (you will need a credit or debit card or someone who has one). This stuff also tastes great and now means I don’t get my ass kicked every week.

Answer#2: If you want to use drugs for enhancement. Please do your research. Look at the link below for a start.

Answer#3: the only thing with really no side effects that can help is whey protein. You'll have to do some form of working out but this will help you faster.

Answer#4: i'm doing the RIPPED system by NXcare and love it...i hear hydroxycut hardcore is good too but do ripped then hydroxycut esp if you're just starting and arent an athelete

Answer#5: There are no such drugs. People take dangerous things, like steroids, which can literally kill you, because there is nothing else that gives an "easy" way to build muscle. But even steroids don't work by themselves. It is a common misunderstanding that taking these pills somehow makes you stronger automatically. It doesn't. What they do is make it easier to exercise. Athletes who spend lots of time in the gym find they can spend even MORE time in the gym with steroids. Of course, they may die of a heart attack in their 20's or 30's, but they are stupid enough not to care about that.Your friend can build muscle without a gym. Gyms are a relatively new thing. People were getting strong without them for a long, long time. He can do sit-ups and pushups, he can exercise with a chinning bar. He can lift weights. (Dumbells are cheap, unlike barbells. And he can make up his own "dumbells" from bricks or anything else handy.) He can run and swim to build up his stamina, and so forth. Bottom line: gyms are nice because they can help you vary your routine. But they are completely unnecessary if your friend is committed to getting stronger. Just don't let him near any "miracle" drug. If it works, it could kill him. And if it doesn't have bad side effects, it won't work.Good luck!!

Answer#6: All of my years of nutrition, never heard of drugs of any kind to build muscle. They have to be worked out. Muscles get bigger by working them. When working them they get sore. After three to four weeks of doing this, the muscle gets bigger. They get bigger because worked muscles get worn down and they 'heal' to a bigger mass.

Answer#7: No side effects? Well, actually that maybe carnitine, also there is liquid protein and some doctors may help with pre-growth hormone. Also taking supplements rich in protein will help him grow muscle without side effects. (For that eating insects, in some countries they do that, is another way to gain high-quality protein for muscle building). Note also that some products, especially steroids, do not build muscle so much as they inflate the muscle to make it look bigger but not really as strong as the size will suggest.

Answer#8: why would he want to buil muscle with drugs? Even if there aren any good gyms, all he has to do is take a ride on his bike for cardio. To build muscle, he can improvise weights (books, cans, etc). Gotta have imagination.

Answer#9: Listen, no drug can build muscle. Period. Even anabolic steroids don't build muscle. The only thing which builds muscle is lifting weights - period. Things like anabolics just help expedite the process. If your friend can't get access to weights, then he aint gonna be building muscle anytime soon.

Answer#10: Lots of gym-time. There are no substitutes or Quick-fixes, or magic pills that can give you what you are looking for.

Answer#11: Peanut M&M's

Answer#12: everything has side-effects... even tylenol.give him protein supplements. that's the safest method.a little more extreme is take both in the form of milkshakes.

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