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Home » Q & A » Whey Protein

Question: Whey Protein >.>?

Question Description:
>.>I am drinking whey protein mixed in with milk (i purchased at gnc) I am 14 years of age, and extremely small (30-40 pounds lighter then friends), im weighing in at 80 pounds o.o anyhow, this stuff sucks, any way to make it better, and easier for me to drink o.O?

Answer#1: I agree with sunexec the chocolate flavor is best.

Answer#2: Increaseing nutrients on it's own won't make you big, just fat. You need to exercise as well.

Answer#3: Well it all depends on the whey protien you buy what it will taste like. get some in Chocolate and the best one out there that I know of is Isopure. It also cost the most. Best to drink a 8oz glass 15 minutes before you exercise and then 15 minutes after.Good Luck putting on the weight

Answer#4: blend with fruit

Answer#5: Make a smoothie with it ... get a blender - do about 1 cup milk to 1 scoop of the protein and then add some frozen fruit and if you want it sweet add honey. Will make it taste much better.

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