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Question: whey protein??

Question Description:
do you gain weight from whey protein? i make a smoothie in the mornings when i can't eat. 1 scoop of whey protein powder, some fat free organic plain yogurt, forzen fruit and my diet ice tea. blend and drink.i can't lose weight?i work out at least 3-4 nights a week and i don't eat fried greasy foods. hardly any if not at all fast food. salads, grilled chicken, tuna fish lean meats. i'd like to lose about 8-10 pounds by june. i originaly lost 40 lbs. 2 years ago and since have gained back about 8 for no reason. how do i shed these 8 pounds?jeremy, what do you think?blackfly you're awesom!what is good to eat during the day? what are good carbs and proteins?i have egg beaters with veggies on mornings with no shake. salad for lunch. dinner, whatever i cook. snacks are yogurt, kasji cereal, fruit-apples and peanut butter or carrots with peanut butter. i'm sick of this. what else is good?

Answer#1: One very important thing is to keep your metabolism high, meaning eating all day. Sounds wierd but eating all day can make you lose weight. The trick is to eat the right foods at the right time. As soon as you wake up in the morning you need protein and carbohydrates(fuel and building blocks) these, when consumed will bring your body out of catabolic state. Fasting overnight for several hours while sleeping depletes your body's glycogen reserves(your last meal) and your body will start to slow down your metabolism and actually start to break down your own muscle(catabolic) and use it as fuel. Your muscles are a liability to your body in a catabolic state. Meaning your muscles require large amounts of energy, even at rest, your body will try to conserve energy by reducing muscle mass, thus reducing the calories needed to fuel your body. Eating protein rich food along with a good source of carbohydrates refuels your body, kickstarts your metabolism and stops the catabolic process(muscle breakdown). Its best to exercise about 1 or 2 hours after eating, this gives time for your body to digest the food and fuel up. Now, during your workout you deplete your glycogen reserves again, thus restarting the catabolic process. Wait until after your workout, immediately after your workout to drink that protein shake, along with some fast digesting carbs. Some people use dextrose or maltodextrin or both. I use real food like instant rice for carbs and egg whites for protein as these are digested quite quickly, not as quickly as whey and dextrose/maltodextrin but I like real food, lay off the fat here because it slows down digestion which is not what you want at this time.This again stops the catabolic process and also starts chemical reactions that stimulate your body to repair and build more muscle. Muscle burns calories, alot of calories, your body doesnt really want more muscle because you will need to eat more food to keep them, more protein. Now, you need to eat again about 1.5 hours later because that protein shake is digested so fast that it only lasts about 1 hour, you need real food now, again more protein and more carbs to stimulate muscle growth, slower digesting protein and carbs are preferred now to fuel and repair and build your body over a longer period. Chicken and brown rice works great, dont forget veggies for vitamins throughout the day. Before you go to sleep drink milk or eat cheese, cottage cheese is best, because they contain a very slow digesting protein called casein, this will protect your muscles most of the night, but remember to eat protein and carbs again when you wake up to stop that catabolic process again. Never workout unless you have eaten, or else your body will breakdown your muscles much sooner than if you did eat. Staying hydrated is very important, digesting food and building muscle requires water. 5 or 6 meals a day every 3 hours will keep your metabolism up, thus burning more calories throughout the day, even at rest. Rest is important between workouts, you need muscle growth, this will help a great deal in losing fat. By the way any food with calories will make you fat if you consume TOO MUCH of it, 1 scoop of hydrolyzed whey protein contains 105 calories which I wouldnt worry about, but dont use too much or you will just pee it out, wasting it. If you eat more often throughout the day you will probably not build a huge appetite and eat everything around. Below is a link that will take you to a very informative site, dont be turned off by the fact its a bodybuilding site, these people know ALOT about nutrition. Navigate to supersite and on the left , nutrition, look for pre workout nutrition and post workout nutrition. I lost 20 pounds since Feb 1 2007, I wasnt doing it properly though, I was working out before I ate, now that I use these guys advice my muscles are...well I havent seen myself like this since I was a teenager.Well, I will eat anything, anything. Today when I woke up(07:00, Im a ship captain and my river is frozen so im not working) I immediately ate 3 eggs with yolk, 1 serving of whole grain oats, a banana and 1 cup of skim milk. I worked out about 2 hours later from 09:00 to 10:00, followed immediately by a meal of 1 can of tuna, 2 egg whites and 2 servings of instant white rice(this is sooo good)I sneaked in 4 dried dates too, lol. Around 12:30 I ate a pork chop, with brown rice and a full serving of veggies. My next meal is at 16:00 and Im planning on eating a turkey-bacon sandwich with tomato and spinach on whole grain bread, its weight watchers bread so its cut thinner, whole grain breads contain more calories than white bread , I use spinach instead of lettuce now. Spinach tastes pretty much the same as lettuce to me(fresh raw spinach no stems, the stems taste funny). At 19:00 I plan to eat fried salmon/potato patties and veggies. If you never had salmon/potato patties, I just boil a big potato or 2 small ones and then mash them up with a chunk of salmon about the size of a chicken breast, mash it up good, then I fry it in 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil then patties soak it up but at least it's healthy oil. Fry for a few minutes you want a good crisp on the outside, use a big pan because I get frustrated when I try to flip them in my wok and break them apart(gotta get a frying pan). I boiled 1 big potato and it fed my family of 3 (made 4 patties breastfeeding mom had 2) At 22:00 I am going to eat some cottage cheese on about 4 whole wheat crackers and 1 cup of skim milk(that ever important casein), then its bedtime(rest is important) Reminds me of my dad telling me to drink my milk and get to bed when I was a kid lol. And thats it, my day is planned. Remember to control your portions this is CRUCIAL. When I cook too much, we eat too much. As for good carbs and bad carbs, it depends on time of day, good carbs, slow digesting carbs like oatmeal and fruit like apples and banana are good for first meal of day, they fuel you up for your workout but dont digest really fast and make you feel lazy, like a baked potato will. Baked potatoes and instant rice, considered by some to be bad carbs I eat right after a workout because they are digested fast, exactly what I need at that particular time. Generally I consider any vegetable good carbs and I dont worry about it, but remember control you portion. Most recommend eating most of your carbs in the morning this is when you need the most fuel. I try to lay off the carbs late in the day, you dont really need as much fuel late in the day if you eat the right ones, but I always eat my leafy greens and orange vegetables anytime. Now, sugars, bad carbs, very bad carbs. Fruit juices, candies, soda, all bad in my opinion because they contain alot of sugar, sugar is bad, your body will use this readily available sugar to fuel your body and instead of digesting your food into glucose(sugar) your body will store it, bodyfat. I should know, I drank insane amounts of soda, soda all day, all night, I ballooned to 230 Lbs, apparently Im supposed to be about 160Lbs. Dont eat too much of that whole grain bread, if you read the ingredient list you will most likely find that sugar(glucose-fructose, one of the worst kinds of sugars)is the third most abundant ingredient. Fructose can interfere with your body's ability to tell if it has had enough food and can increase your appetite. This stuff comes from corn syrup which is in alot of foods these days. I searched my pantry and tossed everything that contained corn syrup(pretty much anything in a bottle or a can which contain way too much sodium anyway). I eat whole grain oatmeal, Shredded wheat or Cheerios everyday for breakfast with wheat germ added(oatmeal on workout day for the protein and carbs). Cheese, a serving of cheese is the size of your thumb and is 100 calories. I make what I call Extreme Vegetable Soup just a good soup package not a can, and I add a crapload of veggies anything you like, I add finely chopped carrots alot of em, peas, broccoli and celery and corn, I get full on this stuff, I mean FULL. As long as you lay off the sugars and control your portions, you can eat anything you want, ANYTHING. But I try to limit myself to 1 serving of that whole grain bread, 1 sandwich. That bread caught me off guard, I was losing weight at a good rate until I started eating too many sandwiches and my weight loss stopped and I even started to gain, control your portions. One thing I didnt mention about the eggs I eat , I fry them on nonstick pan, cooking eggs increases its bioavailability which just means that I will digest them faster because they have been broken down abit or denatured. Raw egg is gross, I tried it, gagged and gagged. Also I eat bananas on workout day because they supposedly help with muscle stiffness. I work my legs hard because they are a large muscle group and more muscle means more calories burning, I still feel a little stiff but not as bad as when I wasnt eating bananas. Your supposed to have about 3 servings of fruit a day. I included a link to a Food Guide which shows foods in the food groups and how much you should eat from each group.I eat fat free yogurts, fat free cottage cheese and fat free milk, well fat free anything. I strip the skin off my chicken and use only EVO(extra virgin olive oil). Make sure its WHOLE GRAIN BREAD not just "brown bread", companies started putting molasses in their bread to make it brown.Changed my mind about the turkey-bacon tomato spinach sandwich, having a peanut butter, 1/2 banana sandwich instead, reason being I wanted to drink milk instead of water, I drink water all day nothing else except milk, I have a glass of calcium fortified OJ once in awhile maybe twice a week, but its like a treat, like cake, so much sugar I have to water it down 50/50 and its still pretty sweet. I havent had chocolate in about 6 weeks, I just realized that. My daughters birthday tommorrow I will have some chocolate cake, I think it will be awesome, I noticed things with sugar (my OJ)are so much more enjoyable now that im not desensitized to the sweetness.I try to decrease the amount of calories as the day progresses, example my breakfast is usually 500 calories, sometimes 550-600 on workout day(i work hard) 350 for second, 3rd 300 cal, 4th 250 cal, 5th 200 cal, last meal I try to keep at 150 cal but sometimes is 200 cal.I workout with weight training on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I eat my post workout meal very quickly followed by 10-15 minutes of light cardio on my exercycle to keep my heartrate up and get those proteins and carbs to my muscles quick to stop that catabolic process and stimulate muscle growth quicker.Ever since I started eating this way I get alot of compliments about my skin looking so much healthier and brighter, from my research its the oatmeal I eat almost everyday plus the wheat germ, alot of vitamins in that stuff.

Answer#2: whey protein will help you gain but combine it with some carbs in your dietgood luck

Answer#3: You can gain weight from any food. Weight gain is a function of calories. If you consume more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. It doesn't matter if those calories come from ice cream, carrots, potato chips, chicken breast, or whey protein. So the answer is that your whey protein shake is fine if your overall calories for the day are fine. If you find you are gaining weight and don't want to, you'll want to do a combination of reducing the calories you eat throughout the day as well as increase the amount of activity you perform to burn more calories.Jeremy

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