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Question: Does overdoing it on a eliptical machine cause reacuring leg pain that doesn't go away im 14 btw???

Question Description:
I only feel it after running around alot while im in my PE class.I ussualy use eliptical on the hardest difficuly until a feel sweat and soreness on my legs for 10 minutes 3 times with 2 minutes rests in between,phew.

Answer#1: It depends.If your leg hurts with a kind of sharp pain, stinging pain, or any kind of pain that prevents you from walking or functioning normally....then yes, you are overdoing it. It's okay if you want to work your hardest, but you need to build up to it until your body is ready.If your leg hurts due to muscle soreness...or even cramping, it's ok and you may need to take that rest in between like you are doing.Basically, stop when your body tells you to stop. Work out when you are NOT in pain. When you get the pain, stop. If you get the pain like 1 minute into the workout, you need to work a LOT less harder so you won't feel the pain.To me, it does sound like you are overdoing it. Just try to take it down a notch and see how you feel.Next question..elaborate on what the pain is long, how intense, when it happens.

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