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Question: treadmill questions!!!?

Question Description:
i use the treadmill when i exercise, but i walk for an hour and sometimes more, am i getting enough exercise as opposed to running? also, what's the faster way of having toned calfs and legs using the treadmill and how long does it take? lastly, what should i do with my arms while i'm walking on the treadmill? i don't have those weight things, so what are alternatives?best answer to the most helpful one!!!!

Answer#1: I would suggest that you only use the tread mill when the weather is unbearable outside. Walking is best for you and it will take off the fat and also shape up the legs nicely.

Answer#2: Walking for an hour really does not do as much as runing for an our or joging for an hour.Every day, try to add speed, or time to your workout. I run up to 1 hour at 7 mph so yeah...theres definatly a difference there. Usually tredmills say how many calories you are burning, maybe you should go by that. For your calfs, you could try runing up and down stairs (outside). and when you get better at this you could hold some sort of weight like books, which you could also do with the tredmill.

Answer#3: You're doing plenty of time if you're doing that say three times a week. If you are walking as fast or hard as you need to to get your heart rate up, then it should be as good as running. Remember though to warm up and cool down. Very important. I don't know if your treadmill has an incline but if it does, your calves will definitely feel the burn on that. If you don't want to buy weights, hold a couple of water bottles full of water or sand.Edit: With the weights or water bottle, do some movements with your arms (provided you can keep your balance well), such as side laterals, arm curls, overhead extensions while you walk. Say 15 to 20 of each movement, 2 to 3 times total.

Source: Questions and Answers Powered by Yahoo! Answers