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Question: bodybuilding???

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hi there right basically i started going the gym because i want to have the physique of a bodybuilder not the crazy pro ones which look like apes but great stomach legs biceps triceps and of coarse a good arse. anyway im finding it hard to loose my stomach fat i ahvently gone completley off carbs and ahardly eat green veg i eats alot of fruit tho and take in lean meats such as chicken turkey and ham.i also eat potato but no fries crisps/chips i only eat like a baked potato or something were carbs are conserned i ahrdly do any cardio shud i step up my cardio alot ???

Answer#1: If you want a six pack, plain and simple, plan to loose weight. (eat less calories) If you dont get that through your brain you want see a flat stomach or six pack in your future. Second, eat less in carbs, lower your carb intake, use majority of your carbs doing workout, carbs are used to give you energy. Third work your stomach area 5 days a week 20 to 30 minutes. Finally cardio, do it, dont just lift weights. Eating right is the key to getting a flat stomach. Eat carbs still, you need them doing your workouts to give you the energy for a good workout, if you dont eat them, im sure you feel sluggish in the gym.

Answer#2: here is a really good body building diet that will help you alont to getting the body you want it is very effective for muscle growth and size all you have to do is eat what it says and of course work hard and you will get the results you are looking for good luck !!Basic diet depending on whether you want to lose weight or gain obviously depends on how much to eat but typical recommendations….. Eat 6 meals a day if possible as its more efficient (but I never have tbh, as I don’t have time) .. Balance diet about 60% Carbs 30% protein, 10% Fat normally for normal person Change this ratio by decreasing carbs and increasing protein for Bodybuilding. Change even further when bodybuilding and losing weight and also reduce fat % .. Keep vegetables / Salad and mixed fruit in diet (5 a day) to get vitamins. .. Choose between following food sources for protein.. Eggs (not too many yolks - too high in Colestoral and fat, so mainly whites) Tuna (Careful not to eat more than about 3 to 4 times a week though - high in mercury) Chicken Turkey Occasional red meat (e.g. steak) Fish … Choose between following for carbs Vegetables, particularly potatoes and other green veg Rice Pasta .. Don’t eat after 7pm if trying to lose weight .. Don’t eat bread/fried food/sweets etc if trying to lose weight If Bodybuiilding to increase size you may also need Protein drinks. So a typcial day would be Breakfast: Egg Whites + 1 Yolk Scrambled or Protein Drink Porridge Mid Morning Fruit Further Protein if trying to gain muscle (e.g. Protein Drink) Lunch Tuna + Pasta + Salad Afternoon Protein Drink if trying to gain muscle Tea Chicken/Turkey or Fish + Veg (possibly rice or more pasta if not concerned about losing weight otherise miss out) Only eat one further meal if looking at gaining weight/muscle. If your lookinhg at losing weight then miss out all of the additional protein drinks and just vary the quanity of the food but stick with the basic mix.

Answer#3: stomach is hard to keep flat look at the pros in off season they balloon up and bulk up during off season so they have the energy to work hard and then they use stuff like a cutting supplement to slim down. you should uses a good supplement for cutting or you could switch your supplement intake from a bulking intake to a cutting intake. check at gnc they have two packs with 30 day supplies of supplements one for mass and one for cutting go with the cutting one.

Answer#4: i headed back to the gym this past January after about 15 years of being away from one. i didn't begin to lose weight until i decided to do at least 1 mile on the treadmill after every workout. i lost 38 pounds in just under 4 months. it was like i could actually see my belly shrinking after awhile. then i moved and was away from a gym for about 4 months and gained 20 pounds back. now that i joined another gym i am back on the treadmill after each and every workout.

Answer#5: If you want to lose fat then yes step up the Cardio. You need Carbs when training, otherwise you will have no energy and feel like crap.

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